Ah, Corrosion of Conformity. ¿Qué decir de semejante pedazo de banda? ¿Que inventaron el crossover? ¿Que se reinventaron a sí mismos en cada disco sin perder su identidad, haciendo la música que les gusta y de paso deleitándonos al resto de los mortales con riff sobre riff sobre riff de pura magia punk/sabbathera?
Recuerdo aquellos años noventosos estudiando Cálculo y Electrotecnia al son de Señor Limpio y se me pianta un lagrimón. Tenerlo a Woody Weatherman en nuestras páginas es un tremendo honor. Dsifrútenlo:

El mejor logo de la historia del rock
ZM: What we can expect from the new album? Tell us a little about "Corrosion Of Conformity".
W: Well it seems like it turned out about like a C.O.C album. A few nods towards our past time together and a touch of where we are headed now and into the future. To me it has a bit of all of our history in there.
ZM: Why did you decide to self title your new album?
W: Mike suggested it to begin with and it kind of caught me off guard because I had never thought of a self titled record for us. But I guess it was about time to do one after 30 yrs together as a band.
ZM: The new record still sounds like a more mature and catchier version of the music you used to make in the 80´s, but this is only my impression. What was your intention when you started working on a new album back with Reed and Mike?
W: Well it seems to have a touch of that like I was saying but it was not really an intentional thing. Once we get started writing and demoing music all bets are off. However the wind blows that day is how the tunes turn out.

Woodroe Weatherman en acción
ZM: Can you tell me what it means to you to go back to the original lineup of COC after all these years? (well, not counting Benji, of course)
W: Getting Reed to come back and play with Mike and I was the big thing. It feels right and we're having a good time doing it so that's what motivates the whole deal.
ZM: What do you see different now in COC after almost 30 years?
W: Grayer hair is about it. Like we have said before we started the band for fun and to try and create some good tunes, and that is still the main reason for it all.

Mas viejos y mas sabios, aún te patean la cabeza con su música.
ZM: You probably had many complains about old fans saying that after Blind COC was never the same. I know this is an obvious statement, but what was the reaction from fans after Pepper became the frontman? Considering the very important change on direction for the music of COC.
W: All our albums and incarnations have been met with some type of resistance at the time it seems. That is not unusual for fans of a certain sound etc to complain a bit here and there. We never let it bother or sway us though. We do what we do and that's about the whole story.
ZM: What was the reason for Pepper’s departure? Do you think he would ever want to come back to the band in the future?
W: There never has been a departure per se, the door has remained open for a future collaboration and we are still good friends of course. The main thing has been timing between various projects and the geographical distance between us. We got commited to doing this 3-piece version for this new record but it could be fun to return to a 4-piece "Deliverance" era line-up at some point. Time will tell.
ZM: What are your future plans now with the band?
W: Touring all over in support of the new Album is on tap for this year and then new music will happen again.
ZM: Well, I thank you a lot for everythimg Woody, for writing to us, for still making music... everything, man.
W: Thanks Manuel