Estamos trabajando para ud. en una pieza audiovisual elaborada en conjunto con el grupo español Gradual Hate, basada en el concepto del Panóptico de Jeremy Bentham que fuera utilizado como idea para el escrito "Vigilar y Castigar" del filósofo francés Michel Foucault.
"The panopticon develops out of the need for surveillance shown in the plague. Plague measures were needed to protect society: the panopticon allows power to operate efficiently. It is a functional, permanent structure. The transition from one to another represents the move to a society in which discipline is based on observation and examination. The disciplinary society is not necessarily one with a panopticon in every street: it is one where the state controls such methods of coercion and operates them throughout society. The development of a disciplinary society involves socio-economic factors, particularly population increase and economic development."

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